Congratulations to Professor Helen Worthington!

Photograph of Helen Worthington

We are delighted to report that Professor Helen Worthington has been recognised in's rankings of the top 100 Best Female Scientists in the UK 2024.  

Helen is Emeritus Professor of Evidence Based Care at The University of Manchester, and a former Co-ordinating Editor of Cochrane Oral Health. Helen's research has a H-index of 105 and 46, 311 citations. Helen said of her achievement:  

"I have spent my career collaborating with, and supporting, many extremely talented female researchers, and I feel that my success has only been enhanced through these positive working relationships. I jointly led Cochrane Oral Health until 2020, developing a team that continues to undertake methodologically rigorous systematic reviews that inform areas of international policy."

We are grateful that Helen continues to work with us at Cochrane Oral Health - we value everything that she brings to our team. Congratulations, Helen, for this much deserved recognition!