Cochrane Oral Health have established a Guideline Repository for all guidelines (proposed and in development) covering issues related to oral health.
The purpose of the repository is to:
- help identify priority review topics that could inform guideline development;
- identify areas of duplication/overlap, where evidence tables could be shared between Guideline Development Groups (GDG);
- increase stakeholder involvement in the guideline development by widening dissemination of those in process.
The repository will be prospective (no attempt will be made to identify previously published guidelines), although as soon as GDGs are aware that a guideline will be produced it can be added to the repository. GDGs are encouraged to submit brief details of their guidelines to Cochrane Oral Health for uploading to the repository.
The repository will not be restricted to guidelines that aim to include Cochrane Reviews; however, where it is likely that a guideline will cover questions that could be/are covered Cochrane Oral Health reviews, we would hope to establish dialogue with the GDG to determine if it is feasible to complete/update reviews in line with the guideline schedule.
If you are aware of any additional unlisted guidelines currently in development, please notify the repository administrator via email to
- For ease of searching for a particular term, we suggest alternatively holding CTRL and F (or Command + F on Apple keyboards) to find key words within this page.
International oral healthcare guideline repository