Our evidence

Cochrane Oral Health produces high-quality priority/relevant systematic reviews in the area of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of oral, dental and craniofacial diseases and disorders. We actively disseminate and facilitate pathways to implementation globally.

Cochrane Oral Health publishes its reviews, updates and protocols in the Cochrane Library. Access to the full-text of our reviews depends on where you are in the world. Click here to see if you can access Cochrane reviews for free. A full list of all of our registered titles, reviews and protocols can be found on our website.

The impact factor for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for 2021 is 12.008. Cochrane Oral Health's unofficial impact factor for 2021 is 9.833 (24 publications cited 236 times). This means that a review published by Cochrane Oral Health in 2019 and 2020 was cited, on average, 9.833 times in 2021. Read more about our impact factor.